From the Paw of Daisy


Not everyone can say that they were the inspiration for a character in a book, but yes, Garlic was inspired by me, yours truly, Daisy, a regular ordinary Maltese, or at least that is what I have tricked the Family into thinking. In fact, I do a lot of thinking, and I probably would have written the whole series if my chew toys, belly rubs, or that demon temptress bacon were not so distracting! I have an amazing life of eating, playing with my toys, scavenging the kitchen floor for crumbs (some of the Family are major crumb makers), and simply napping in the laundry baskets of my Family. You probably noted how just then I said my Family, yes?

The truth is that the Family didn’t find me; I found them. Why, you ask? Because the Family couldn’t survive without me, and thus, they are now under my protection. Now, I may be only eight pounds, give or take a dog treat, but if anyone comes close to my family I don’t know, or if I hear a sound I don’t recognize, I bring the full wrath of my bark into play. Now, all bets are off if it is thundering outside, however; then the Family is going to have to make do on their own with the training I have given them because I will be safe in the aforementioned laundry!

I look forward to communicating through my Dog Blog with the readers of the Immortal Divorce Court series. If you haven’t read Volume One: My Ex-Wife Said Go To Hell yet—what are you waiting for? I am telling you, this book will become like your favorite bone, except instead of arching your back and snarling at anyone that tries to take it away, you are going to want to tell everyone you know about it. And you should, because great characters, witty dialogue, sexy scenes, and laugh-out-loud moments are the bacon of life …

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