About the author
Kirk Zurosky
Kirk Zurosky has practiced plaintiffs’ personal injury and workers’ compensation law in North Carolina and South Carolina for over twenty years. He finds working as an attorney helping those that have been injured to be incredibly rewarding. He has enjoyed writing poems and fiction stories since he was a child. Writing was his first love, or so he thought until he met his wife, Susie. That is when he realized what love is really all about, and that he could write one hell of a sex scene. In Kirk’s spare time he enjoys traveling the world with Susie, world history and cultures, fitness, and experiencing all the wonder that life has to offer!
Daisy Zurosky
After making her escape from a big-box puppy mill during which she suffered the horrible indignity of wearing a blingy pink dress, Daisy has been taking care of the Family for the last eleven years. She spends her days checking the perimeter of the house, barking at passersby when she’s outside, and sleeping in laundry baskets. She also surveys the backyard, trying to come up with a plan to catch the wild bunnies that mock her with their impossible speed. She is a certified expert in treats, cheese, and dog toys and will absolutely growl at you if you have the nerve to stop petting her. The Family unanimously states that there has never been a finer dog than Daisy.