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Immortal-Divorce-Court-book-cover My Ex Wife Said Go To Hell

Volume One:

My Ex-Wife Said Go to Hell

Welcome to a world where mythological creatures mess up their relationships just like we do. With a forever ex, the drama never goes away!

Immortal vampire assassin Sirius Sinister learns this the hard way when he’s served divorce papers by Bloodsucker Number One—a shady woman from his past—he realizes there’s a major problem: he was never even married to her, or so he thought. Regardless of the truth, Sirius is put under the jurisdiction of Immortal Divorce Court.




Volume TWO:

A Sirius Education

Sirius Sinister has always been a bit of a know-it-all, but in order to save the world, he's going to need a serious education!

The Lady of the Underworld has cast Sirius Sinister out of her fiery realm and into the icy Himalayas to teach him a lesson in humility. Hades can be a real bitch, but self-doubt is even worse. It's here that Sirius and his vampire Maltese, Garlic, battle for their immortal lives against menacing wolves and crazed snow demons.



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News From Daisy

Immortal Divorce Court hooked me the moment I started reading it. The world building is amazing. I could feel every single line penned by the author coming to life right in front of my eyes. I would recommend this book to anyone who is nursing a broken heart and looking for a thrilling read which will make them laugh!
— Shreya Vijay, Book Reviews for the Book Nerds
The concept of the book is really amazing. I really like this vampire world concept. This is the one book that really makes you laugh, and you will tell your friends to make them laugh too. It’s an amazing read, and I would highly recommend this book to all the readers who really like high concept stories.
— Bookish.u